Places of Interest
Narasimmar Temple, Sholingar

The name Kadigachalam came as the Lord gave darsan to the Saptharishi to a kadigai time and gave mukthi. He also gave darsan to Prahalatha by changing his figure of Terror and in the yoga stage. Lord Anjeneya who is in the yoga stage helped Indrathymna Maharaja in killing the Arakkan Nikumban and saved his country. It was held on Sunday and hence evey Sunday is an important one for Siriya Thiruvadi. People take a bath in the Chakkra Theertham of the small hill and worship the Lord. There is an inscription of 14th century in the Big Hill and another of 17th century in Small Hill and also a inscription in Telugu Language. There is a small window opposite to Lord Narasimhas Shrine at Big Hill, through which the Lord give darsan to Yoga Anjeneya at Small Hill. Yoga Narasimhar is facing east and the Small Hill is at the eastern side of the Big Hill. Swamy Dhottachar used to worship Lord Varadaraja Perumal of Kanchi on the third day of Brahmotchavam every year. Once he was not able to visit kanchi and thus missed the Seva. The worried Dhottachar offered prayers to Lord Varadharajar sitting on the banks of Brahma Theertham at Sholinghur.
Balamurugan Temple

15km from Vellore, Ratnagiri is famous for the Murugan temple situated small hillock. It is said that the temple was built in the 14th Century A.D. But renovations were made recently.
Raja Rani monument

Raja Rani monument is situated in Ranipet town, on the banks of the Palar river. There are 2 towers built in the memory Raja Desingh and his beloved wife Rani Bai.
History reiterates that Raja Desingh refused to pay tax to British and hence British raided Arcot and killed Raja Desingh. In memory and love of her husband, Rani Bai committed Sati and died.
To honour the sacrifice of Rani Bai, Arcot Nawab Sadat-ul-lahkhan built this Monument on the opposite Bank on palar and in memory of her sacrifice named the town on the opposite bank as Ranipet and hence the name of the Town.