
Revenue Administration and Disaster Management

Revenue Administration

Revenue Department, which was created during the British period to collect the revenue from the ryots and imparting justice to the public, has now evolved as a department, which handles General Administration of the District, providing the public with all services from birth to death and aims at welfare of the larger public. Ranipet District Revenue Administration aims at:

  1. Acting as a channel to deliver the services and the schemes framed by the Government for the welfare of the public.
  2. Acting as custodian of Government land, records concerning the lands and implementation of land reforms.
  3. Action as a Election Machinery in the District to conduct MP and MLA elections as per the Election Commission of India norms.
  4. Acting as bridge between the public and the administration at the district level.
  5. Act as the crisis administrator-in-chief during natural calamities, Disasters (Man-made or natural) and any other emergencies.
  6. Maintenance of law and order, in order to make Ranipet District, a place of living; not just a place of survival.
  7. Ultimately give a Development Administration by land transfer, Alienation and Acquisition of patta lands for various development works.
  8. Acting as a District protocol department to see the VIPs visits.

The Revenue Department is the only department which empathizes with the need of the public and is always present to ease the situation. Ranipet Revenue Unit has taken all initiatives to bring the schemes and policies framed by the Government to reach the common man like Old Age Pension, Widow Pension, Differently abled pension, Deserted Wife Pension, Farmers’ Security Scheme etc., effective implementation of Public Distribution System, keeping at pace with the technology, certificates like community certificates, income certificates, nativity certificates etc are issued through online, thus conserving the time and energy of the public from loitering around the public offices. All initiatives are taken to register the birth and death of the public, issuing of legal heir certificates, issuing pattas, granting land as per Government norms to the landless people, etc. Revenue Department plays a pivotal role during the disaster (man-made or natural) at the district level, by providing immediate mitigation activities like providing shelter during such disaster times, providing food and relief during such emergencies. Many initiative are taken to make Ranipet District Pollution free district by having constant vigilance over the processed water used in the leather tanneries for leather tanning and proper elimination of the animal wastes used for the leather. Steps are taken to maintain land records and the public are able to get Encumbrance certificates online, Chitta and Patta transfer is done through online, the FMBs are being computerized etc. Thus, the Revenue department is not only pertaining to General Administration, but is consistently aiming at bringing Development Administration at the District level.

Ranipet District Administration consists of the following Department headed by the District Collector:

Department Head of the Department
Revenue, Disaster Management & Mitigation District Revenue Officer
Police Superintendent of Police
Rural Development Project Director
Registration Department District Registrar
Survey and Land Record Maintenance Assistant Director of Survey
Agriculture Joint Director of Agriculture
Cooperative Joint Registrar of Cooperative
Medical District Medical Officer
Public Health Deputy Director of Health
Employment District Employment Officer
Social Welfare District Social Welfare Officer
Sports District Sports Officer
Ex-Service Men Welfare Assistant Director of Ex-Service Men Welfare
Higher Education Regional Joint Director of Higher Education
School Education Chief Education Officer
Fire and Rescue Services District Fire Officer
Forest Conservator of forest
Public Works Department Executive Engineer
Transport Regional Transport Officer
Excise Assistant Commissioner (Excise)
Animal Husbandry Regional Joint Director
Fisheries Assistant Director, Fisheries
Factories Inspector of Factories
Labour Labour Officer
Corporation Commissioner
Municipal Administration Regional Director of Municipal Administration
Town Panchayats Assistant Director

Ranipet District is administered by the District Collector as the head of the District and District Collector’s Office consists of the District Revenue Officer, who acts as the head of the Revenue Department at the District level. There are 6 Deputy Collectors viz- Personal Assistant to the District Collector (General) to look after the General Administration of the District, Personal Assistant to Collector (Accounts) who handle the Accounts of the District with respect to Revenue Department, Special Deputy Collector (Stamps) for collecting the stamp duty amount, Special Deputy Collector (Social Security Scheme) for implementation of the schemes like Old Age pension, Widow Pension, Farmers’ Security Scheme etc. in the district, Additional Personal Assistant to the Collector (Lands) for looking into the land matters like land acquisition, land transfer, eviction, encroachment, land alienation and Assistant Commissioner (Excise) is appointed to look after the excise and prohibition and Enforcement issues etc. The District Backward Class, Most Backward Class and Minorities Welfare Officer is appointed to implement the schemes related to the welfare of the Backward Class, Most Backward Class and Minorities. The District Adi-Dravidar Welfare Officer is responsible for the implementation of the welfare schemes pertaining to the Adi-Dravidars of Ranipet District. Apart from this two Deputy Collectors to look after TASMAC. Ranipet District is sub-divided into 2 Divisions, namely- Ranipet and Arakkonam divisions each headed by Sub-Divisional Officer with the nomenclature of Sub-Collector or Revenue Divisional Officer. These Divisions are further divided into 6 Taluks each headed by the Tahsildars. The taluks are the “miniature District” where the public look up to immediately. The taluks are further divided into 18 firkas. These firkas are divided into 330 village, each headed by the Village Administrative Officers, who are assisted by the Village Assistants in carrying out the smooth functioning of the administration. Thus, Revenue Department acts as a pivot of whole District Administration in Ranipet District.

Toll Free No : 1077

Tashildar Disaster Management

Phone No : 9940858091

Fax No : 04172 – 272211

Personal Assistant ( General ) to The Collector :

Mobile No : 9443472844

Telephone / Fax No : 04172 – 272211